Tonefield molds

A set of 36 molds for pressing tonefields and dimples at the same time, using a press and 3 layers of 5mm SBR rubber. They have rounded edges on the inside and outside oval, with a radius of 2.5 mm. When pressing, the rubber pushes the DC04 sheet or other sheet material into the holes and forms a dimple.
Molds €450
3xSBR rubber €45
Custom made press molds can be purchased as well.
There is an instruction video below the pictures.

Shellopan in France has a list for sizes of tonefields and their dimples.
You can find the list here :
The ratio notes/dimples can be changed in the F2 cell. A 1.0 ratio will give you dimples half the size of the notes, for all notes. A ratio higher than 1.0 (for example 1.0064) will give you dimples that become less than 50% of the note as the notes get higher.
The list from 0-35 (36 notes) is supposed to represent 3 octaves. It could be from C3-B5, but depending on your own taste and skills you could make these notes lower or higher.